There are talented people and then there are very talented creative people who know how to translate creativity into items people would want to wear. Suzanne – the creative mind behind Inspired by Suz - belongs to the latter.
Jewellery market is a tough place to operate: high street may offer attractive pricing but poor quality, premium brands seem to have gone mad with overcharging for their China produced creations (500 euro for some beads on a string is not an exception).
If you want more quality and less mass production you turn to artisan market just to find that many of the artists seem to have lost touch with what people actually would dear to wear and offer creations one may think were stolen from a museum.
I am glad that Suzanne found that fine line between quality, affordability and originality, offering modern, wearable, sustainable pieces, that are limited edition, too.
From minimalistic to extravagant – her designs will fit an outfit for various occasions. As a stylist, I recommend adding Inspired By Suz to your basis jewellery collection.
As a friend of The Panachery, you will get 10% off if you apply the code “thepanachery” at the check-out.
Let us know what you think of the collection!
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